Gay pride nyc 2014 parade

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I think people who come from outside of the city or from Ireland are kind of incredulous of the sheer size of the. MARTIN: So, first off, can you just tell us a little bit about what the New York in Manhattan parade is like and what it means to march in it?

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PETER QUINN: Thanks, Rachel, for having me. He's now a novelist who writes books about Irish America. He's a former speechwriter for New York Governors Hugh Carey and Mario Cuomo. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is one of those boycotting his city's events, which will be held tomorrow.įor more, we turn to Peter Quinn. But several high profile regulars have decided to sit out the events because of a ban on gays marching openly as a group in the parades. There is a whole lot of shamrock green on full display this weekend, as cities around the country hold their annual St.

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